黄 洁姑娘



This is the second time I joined the New Voice Club in such kind of exchange tour. For my first tour to Fushan, I saw a very well organized activity as communication and working relationship had been set up in previous exchange tours. My role was largely supportive and mainly responsible for delivering talks to healthcare professionals in Fushan.

This tour is the first of it’s kind in Shantou. We saw a big gap between the rehabilitation service in Shantou and Hong Kong. The enthusiasm of the healthcare professionals there told us that they were eager to have more information and support in establishing rehabilitation service in their setting. The support from their senior management also indicated that they are ready to set off for a new era of cancer care.

For the participants from Shantou, although they couldn’t use speech to express their feeling, their eyes and body language showed how thankful they were for having such a sharing and learning opportunity. Many of them expressed that it was the first time they could “speak” again since after the total laryngectomy surgery few years ago. Their response confirmed me of the importance and meaning of participating in this exchange tour.

For the volunteer workers from the New Voice Club, participating in this tour is also a way of confirming their ability and the importance of their contributions. Being part of the team, I am so proud of them.

It is a win-win situation in this kind of activity. Everybody participating in this activity gains.